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Arduino 0.96 Inch OLED Display Module 128x64 I2C SSD 1306 LCD Screen

Arduino 0.96 Inch OLED Display Module 128x64 I2C SSD 1306 LCD Screen

The OLED graphic display has a black surface and blue and yellow graphics good image quality wide viewing angles. The lack of backlight makes it thinner and lighter. OLED display with...
Pcf8574t Iic I2c 1602 Blue/green Backlight Lcd Display Module For Arduino

Pcf8574t Iic I2c 1602 Blue/green Backlight Lcd Display Module For Arduino

Interface: I2C. Display: 2-lines x 16-characters Backlight: Green with white character color LCD controller: HD44780 Pin Definition: GND、VCC、SDA、SCL Contrast Adjust: Potentiometer Backlight Adjust: Jumper Default Address: 0x27, 0x3F Working Voltage:...
PCF8574 IIC I2c Serial Interface Adapter Module IIC I2C LCD Module In Pakistan

PCF8574 IIC I2c Serial Interface Adapter Module IIC I2C LCD Module In Pakistan

2x16 Character LCD is most popular display component for small controller like Arduino, but most of these LCD uses parallel interface. In most of the case, you will need 10...
Green Color 1602 Character Lcd Display 16x2 Lcd Display

Green Color 1602 Character Lcd Display 16x2 Lcd Display

This is a basic text-based 16 characters by 2 lines LCD with white character on blue backlight. It utilizes the extremely common HD44780 parallel interface chipset. Arduino IDE already has the LiquidCrystal...
Arduino Tm1637 4 Digit 7 Segment Display Module Led Display Module

Arduino Tm1637 4 Digit 7 Segment Display Module Led Display Module

The TM1637 4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module is an affordable solution for displaying the output data of your Arduino project. Though the data displayed is restricted by numbers...
16x4 Character Lcd 1604 Green Lcd Display Module Fdcc1604 Series For Arduino Raspberry Pi

16x4 Character Lcd 1604 Green Lcd Display Module Fdcc1604 Series For Arduino Raspberry Pi

16×4 LCD is an alphanumeric display. It is based on the display controller, and ready to interface with most microcontrollers. It works on 5V and has a Green Backlight which...
2004a 20x4 Character Blue Color Lcd Display For Arduino

2004a 20x4 Character Blue Color Lcd Display For Arduino

This is an industry standard HD44780 based controlled 4 lines x 20 characters LCD display with WHITE characters on BLUE background and backlight. It is a parallel interface so you...
Blue Color 1604a Lcd 16x4 Lcd Display 1604 Lcd Display

Blue Color 1604a Lcd 16x4 Lcd Display 1604 Lcd Display

Blue Color 1604A LCD 16X4 LCD Display is 16 characters wide,4 rows character lcd module,SPLC780C controller (Industry-standard HD44780 compatible controller),6800 4/8-bit parallel interface,single led backlight with yellow green color included...
Iic I2c Twi 164 1604 16x4 Lcd Screen Module Character Series With Backlight For Arduino

Iic I2c Twi 164 1604 16x4 Lcd Screen Module Character Series With Backlight For Arduino

Model No .: 1604A Product Type: Character LCD Module Brand: Surenoo Display Format: 16 * 04 Characters Interface: With I2C Module IC or Equivalent: AIP31066, HD44780, KS0066, SPLC780, ST7066 Font : English / Japanese Specifications for I2C Module...
12864 LCD Blue Screen Graphical LCD 128×64 Green Blue GLCD

12864 LCD Blue Screen Graphical LCD 128×64 Green Blue GLCD

This LCD is the graphical upgrade to those popular 16x2 LCDs, but allows full graphical control. Features: Blue background with 128 x 64 'monochrome' white pixels Low power white LED...
2004a Lcd 20x4 Character Lcd Green Backlight

2004a Lcd 20x4 Character Lcd Green Backlight

Specifications: 2004 204 20X4 Character LCD Display Module Green Backlight. Condition: brand new Fully assembled and tested Serial LCD 20x4 Module Yellow Green backlight Display Format: 20 Characters x 4...
Lcd2004 Blue Parallel Lcd Display With Iic/i2c Interface

Lcd2004 Blue Parallel Lcd Display With Iic/i2c Interface

LCD2004 Parallel LCD Display with IIC/I2C interface Features: I2C LCD 2004 displays characters of 4 rows with 20 characters in each. Working voltage: 5V DC; Color: blue white with backlight...
Blue 1602 Lcd 16x2 Character Lcd Arduino Display For Arduino

Blue 1602 Lcd 16x2 Character Lcd Arduino Display For Arduino

1602 16x2 Blue Character LCD Display For Arduino is a basic 16 character by 2 lines Alphanumeric display. This LCD 16x2 Character LCD Display has White text on a blue background. Utilizes...