he ADXL335 is a small, thin, low power, a complete 3-axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs. The product measures acceleration with a minimum full-scale range of ±3 g. It can measure the static acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing applications, as well as dynamic acceleration resulting from motion, shock, or vibration. This breakout board comes with an onboard voltage regulator and works at both 3.3V & 5V (3-5V)An accelerometer is an electro-mechanical device that will measure acceleration forces. These forces may be static, like the constant force of gravity pulling at your feet, or they could be dynamic – caused by moving or vibrating the accelerometer
Package Includes:
1x ADXL335 3-axis Analog Output Accelerometer Module angular transducer 3v-5v
Specifications and Features :
3V-6V DC Supply Voltage
Onboard LDO Voltage regulator
Can be interfaced with 3V3 or 5V Microcontroller.
All necessary Components are populated.
Ultra Low Power: 40uA in measurement mode, 0.1uA in standby@ 2.5V
Tap/Double Tap Detection
Free-Fall Detection
Analog output
Build in ultra low noise linear LDO voltage regulator
Built-in onboard filters, which reduce noise from the motor and other high current electronics
All sensors connected to the I2C bus
You can easily select two I2C address for MPU6050 by soldered jumper
Power LED
Build in Logic level converter for I2C
Dimensions 20x16mm
Designed for 5V logic level
Applications :
FPV, RC and Robots systems
GPS navigation systems
Impact recognition and logging
Gaming and virtual reality input devices
Motion-activated functions
Intelligent power saving for handheld devices
Vibration monitoring and compensation
Free-fall detection
6D-orientation detection
Attachments and Links :
Arduino Code