It is a customized version of the classic ARDUINO MEGA R3 board. Full integration of Atmel ATmega2560 microcontroller and ESP8266 Wi-Fi IC, with 32 Mb (megabits) of flash memory, and CH340G USB-TTL converter on a single board! All components can be set up to work together or independently.
- Microcontroller:ATmega2560
- IC Wi-Fi : ESP8266
- USB-TTL converter: CH340G
- Power Out: 5V-800mA
- Power Input USB: 5V (500mA max.)
- Power Input VIN/DC Jack: 9-24V
- Power Consumption: 5V 800mA
- Logic Level: 5V
- Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz
- USB: Micro USB
- Clock Frequency: 16MHz
- Operating Supply Voltage: 5V
- Digital I/O: 54
- Analog I/O: 16
- Memory Size: 256kb
- Data RAM Type/Size: 8Kb
- Data ROM Type/Size: 4Kb
- Interface Type : SerialOTA
- Operating temperature :−40С°/+125С°
- Dimensions:53.361×101.86mm
- Buil-inexternal antenna