What is USB Host Shield?
USB Host Shield, is a module that you can mount to the Arduino Uno, Duemilanove and Mega boards, so that they work like a USB Host and thus can control slave devices, such as: USB memories, keyboards, mice, bluetooth modules, etc.
This module is based on the MAX3421E integrated circuit which is a USB host / peripheral controller that contains the digital logic and analog circuitry necessary to implement a USB full speed peripheral or a USB full / low speed host compliant with USB specification rev 2.0. . This is responsible for performing all USB Host functions, it is connected to a female USB type A socket which provides power to the USB slave device. The interface with the microcontroller is via a high speed serial SPI bus.
What is USB Host Shield for?
This module is designed for embedded system applications which require USB Host functionality, it is compatible with the Arduino platform and operates at a 2.0 speed, it can be used with any other micro that has an SPI interface. Arduino communicates with the MAX3421E chip using the SPI bus (through the ICSP connector), on the Arduino UNO it is digital pins 10, 11, 12 and 13, on the Arduino Mega it is pins 10, 50, 51 and 52, on both cards pin 10 is used to enable the MAX3421E.
Google support for Android ADK, support ing Android phone: G1, Nexus One, Nexus S, Droid X
(Mobile systems must update to Android 2.3.4, tablet computers must update to Android 3.1)
Provides an APK package and compiled ADK source files compatible with the following Arduino hardware:
For Arduino UNO 328
For Arduino Diecimila / Duemilanove 328
For Arduino Mega 2560 (Recommended)
For Arduino Mega 128
To achieve Arduino USB host function, you can communicate with other USB devices and support USB hub function
Devices supports:
- HID devices: keyboards, mice, joysticks, etc.
- Game controllers: Sony PS3, Nintendo Wii, Xbox360.
- USB to Serial Converters: FTDI, PL-2303, ACM, as well as select cell phones and GPS receivers.
- Android phones and tables compatible with ADK.
- Digital cameras: Canon EOS, Powershot, Nikon DSLR and P&S, as well as generic PTP.
- Mass storage devices: USB sticks, memory card readers, external hard drives, etc.
- Bluetooth dongles.
Attachments and Links :
Package includes:
1 * USB-HOST Expansion Board for Arduino