A switched-mode power supply (SMPS) is an electronic circuit that converts power using switching devices that are turned on and off at high frequencies, and storage components such as inductors or capacitors to supply power when the switching device is in its non-conduction state. Switching power supplies have high efficiency and are widely used in a variety of electronic equipment, including computers and other sensitive equipment requiring a stable and efficient power supply.A switched-mode power supply is also known as a switch-mode power supply or switching-mode power supply.
Features Of AC 100-264V To DC 12V- 3A 24V-0.5A Switching Power Supply:
Good anti-interference performance and high reliability.
Low operating temperature and long service life.
Wide input voltage range, (100-264V) in line with global usage standards.
Good insulation performance and high electric strength.
Full load high temperature burning machine, 100% aging test.
Specifications Of SMPS AC DC Switching Mode Power Supply:
AC Input: 110-264VAC
DC Output: 12V-3A, 24V-0.5A
Material: Metal
Package Includes:
1 x AC DC Switch Mode Power Supply
Best Online Shopping website for 12V 3A 24V 0.5A 110-264VAC AC DC Switch Mode Power Supply at a cheap price in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Sukkur, Peshawar, Multan, Quetta, Faisalabad, and all over Pakistan.